Hoodoo & Chill

Hoodoo Voices: Marcus Brown "The Boneyard Conjurer"

Papa Seer Season 8 Episode 11

Welcome to another captivating episode of Hoodoo & Chill Podcast, where your host, Papa Seer, delves into the mystique and magic of Hoodoo. In this fan-favorite installment of our Hoodoo Voices series, Papa Seer channels the enigmatic Marcus Brown, known as "The Boneyard Conjurer."

🔮In this spellbinding episode, Papa Seer uncovers the forgotten and often unheard voices of Hoodoo through the lens of Marcus Brown's unique journey. Brown, a practitioner deeply rooted in the tradition, shares his insights, experiences, and the rich tapestry of his Hoodoo practices that have been passed down through generations.

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🎙️ Hoodoo Voices Disclaimer:
"Hoodoo Voices" is a series dedicated to resurrecting the forgotten voices of Hoodoo, featuring interviews conducted by Harry Middleton Hyatt in the 1930s. These excerpts are sourced from his extensive 5-volume series, 'Hoodoo, Conjugation, Witchcraft & Rootwork.' While we appreciate the invaluable insights into Hoodoo and Black History that Hyatt's work provides, we want to make it clear that Hoodoo & Chill Podcast does not support or condone the manner in which this information was gathered and monetized for financial gain. Nevertheless, we acknowledge Mr. Hyatt's extensive work as an essential resource.

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