Hoodoo & Chill

Ritual Fasting & Soul Month

Papa Seer Season 8 Episode 13

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🎙️ In this episode of Hoodoo & Chill, your host Papa Seer dives into the transformative world of ritual fasting, a practice embedded in diverse traditions across the globe. Join us as we unravel the essence of soulful fasting and explore its significance in various cultural and spiritual contexts.

1. What is Ritual Fasting?
   Papa Seer introduces the concept of ritual fasting, a time-honored practice deeply rooted in spiritual purification, discipline, and self-control. Discover the similarities and differences in how fasting is embraced across different traditions, including its observance in Abrahamic religions like Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

 Uncover the unique connection between Hoodoo and fasting, where rituals, prayers, novenas, divination, visions, and even offerings to spirits play a crucial role.

2. How to Ritually Fast: Organize to Clarify
   Papa Seer provides insights into the practical aspects of ritual fasting, answering the question of "how." Learn the art of clarity through intentional fasting, including tips on initiation, ritual work, and the importance of taking a break from excess in our lives.

3. How To Ritually Fast: Tips and Techniques
   Papa Seer guides you through the practicalities of ritual fasting, offering tips on determining what to fast from and being realistic in your approach. Explore different fasting methods, from intermittent fasting to lifestyle fasting, and the Daniel Fast, gaining valuable insights into the diverse ways one can embark on this soul-nourishing journey.

Tune in to this episode of Hoodoo & Chill as Papa Seer brings you wisdom, practical advice, and a deeper understanding of the transformative power of ritual fasting during Soul Month. Embrace the clarity, discipline, and spiritual connection that comes with this ancient practice.

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