Hoodoo & Chill

Hoodoo Folk Tales: The Orphan Boy and Girl & The Witches

Papa Seer Season 8 Episode 14

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This  is a retelling of "The Orphan Boy and Girl & The Witches," as collected by Zora Neale Hurston, adapted by Joyce Carol Thomas in "The Three Witches," and illustrated by Faith Ringgold. While we strive to stay true to the original work and its intended message, this retelling is a creative interpretation.

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The purpose of this  is to share and celebrate the rich cultural and literary heritage of the story, as well as to introduce it to a wider audience. All credit for the original story goes to Zora Neale Hurston, Joyce Carol Thomas, and Faith Ringgold.

Please note that some elements of the story may be presented with artistic liberties or creative adaptations for the purpose of visual storytelling. We encourage viewers who are interested in the full depth of the narrative to explore the original works by the mentioned authors.

This  is not intended to replace the original text or diminish the contributions of the original creators. If you enjoy the story, we encourage you to seek out and support the original works.

Thank you for watching and appreciating the beauty of storytelling.

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